Hearing Consultation
Hearing deterioration differs from person to person; therefore, we believe a crucial part of the hearing consultation is listening to your concerns. We let you tell us where you are noticing a difference, which helps us get a better understanding of your requirements. This procedure allows us to tailor our approach in examining, assessing, and recommending the right treatment for you.
We check the health of your ears.
We test the entire pathway of hearing from the outer ear all the way through to the inner ear.
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Hearing Health and Medical Health Questionnaires
A thorough examination involving a series of questions in regards to your hearing & medical health is carried out so we can gain a better understanding of your hearing and the impact it currently has on your life.
Physical examination of the outer and middle ear structures.
Video Otoscopy
Camera imaging to help our patients visualise the eardrum and ear structures.
Tuning Fork Testing
Test of hearing using a vibrating tuning fork as a sound source.
Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA)
Pure tone audiometry is a hearing test in which we measure the quietest sound audible across the full range of speech frequencies.
The results enable the clinician to identify the type, cause, and severity of the hearing loss.
Middle Ear Pressure Test
Using a Tympanometer to measure how well the eardrum is functioning.
Uncomfortable Loudness Levels (ULL’s)
Test for hearing sensitivity.
Speech in Noise Testing
To assess the ability to accurately hear speech in noisy settings.
Speech in Quiet Testing
To assess the ability to accurately hear speech in quiet settings.

Pure tone audiometry is a hearing test in which we measure the quietest sound audible across the full range of speech frequencies.
The results enable the clinician to identify the type, cause, and severity of the hearing loss.
- Pure Tune Audiometry is suitable for both children and adults
- Identify the type and degree of hearing loss
- Identify possible hearing disorders and their causes.
Further Investigation
Sometimes we may discover results which we believe may require a second opinion. We have professional relationships with ENT specialists that we can refer to if we deem necessary, and we can also write reports which you can take to your GP.
Your Hearing,
Our Priority, Our Expertise.
Why Choose Us?
- Highest standard of care and service provided by experienced Audiologists who understand the challenges you can face with changes in your hearing
- Part of a multi-disciplinary team that has good professional connections with other health care teams, so we can ensure your overall health and wellbeing is well looked after
- Easy to arrange an appointment – Over the phone or Online
- Registered, qualified, experienced clinicians who are fully insured
- Home visit options available